Community means so much to us here at The Nest, and it is our mission to continue to make sure that our community is a reflection of the amazing and diverse world that we are striving to support. Our SoMa neighbor and Corporate Member Community Bakery also believes in this vision of diversity and inclusion. When we first spoke to Community Bakery about the opening of The Nest, they were very intentional about wanting to support our concept and female business owners, specifically minority women.
How did that manifest itself? Well there are now three Executive Memberships up for grabs, and we want to take a moment to encourage YOU to apply for one.
We’re sure you have thoughts going on in your head, so let’s talk about ‘em!
“I’m sure that someone else could use this more than me.”
If not you, then who?
Seriously… who better than you?
You are deserving of this opportunity, and we want you to believe that enough to take a chance on yourself and apply. Don’t overthink it, just do it. You’re worth investing in and so is your business.
As women, we are constantly catering to everyone else’s needs and putting them first to the point that sometimes we forget that we have to put that same care and attention into ourselves. Time spent on yourself is well spent… you’re worth it.
“Now isn’t a good time. I have so much going on, and I honestly don’t know if I will use it.”
Take a moment and ask yourself when would it be a good time?
As you are rearranging things in your head trying to craft the perfect scenario, please realize that perfect isn’t possible. Perfect will never come, and while it may be appealing to try to wait until you “have it together,: we want to suggest that The Nest can be a tool to help you “get it together.”
We are a place where coworking meets community, and the women that you meet here are going to be the ones to uplift, encourage and support you as you put in the work to grow yourself and your business.
“What am I committing to?”
Membership at The Nest is a commitment from you, to you – a commitment to actively decide that you are worth the time, effort and resources. You’re also committing to letting us support you for the next year and beyond, because we genuinely want to see you win.
We want to leave you with one more thing: When opportunities present themselves you should say yes first and figure it out later. Say yes to this opportunity to apply, and figure it out later when you get that call that you have officially been chosen to be a part of our Flock.